Not all drugs are adequately tested before making their way into the marketplace. Worse yet, drug companies sometimes hide the dangers they discover associated with their drugs through their testing.
The public is virtually at the mercy of big pharmaceutical companies bent on making profits even at the risk of patients’ health. Unfortunately, the national watchdog — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — often does an inadequate job making sure that drugs entering the marketplace are safe and effective for their intended purpose.
Call us today for a free consultation or text us from this page if you or a loved one was injured by a prescription or over-the-counter drug. We won’t charge a fee unless and until we obtain financial compensation for you. You may be eligible for financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain, suffering and more.
Our attorneys handle many types of dangerous drug cases, including:
California Dangerous Drug Lawsuits
Our team of dangerous drug attorneys have been handling medication side effect cases for decades and have taken on some of the world’s largest corporations. Your case will be important to us. Our lawyers and staff will always respond to your emails and return your calls. We will regularly provide you with updates on your case, respond to your emails and return your phone calls.
If you or a loved one was harmed after using a prescription or over-the-counter medication, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Call us now for a free consultation, text us from this page or complete the contact form on this page to see if you have a claim.
Compensation For Drug Injuries
We can help you obtain reimbursement for any expenses related to your drug injuries if we pursue a product liability lawsuit on your behalf. The amount your case will be worth will depend upon numerous factors, such as how badly you were hurt by the drug, how being hurt affected your life, if you missed work due to your injuries and if you suffered permanent effects from the drug. A drug injury attorney at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can evaluate your claim and place an accurate value on it based on the damages you suffered. You may be eligible for compensation for:
Medical bills: Those who suffer serious injuries such as a heart attack or blood clots due to dangerous drugs, and those who develop serious illnesses such as chronic kidney disease or pancreatic cancer due to dangerous drugs, will typically end up facing large medical bills. These can be bills that have already piled up before hiring a lawyer, and these can be bills for any medical treatment necessary in the future. The drug injury attorneys at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover financial compensation for past and future medical bills related to your drug injury.
Disability costs: Unfortunately, some people are left disabled by dangerous drugs. A dangerous drug lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover financial compensation for any costs related to any disability caused by dangerous drugs.
Pain and suffering: Some drugs carry serious health risks which can lead to physical pain and mental suffering. If you have been injured by a prescription drug or over the counter drug, a dangerous drug attorney at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you obtain financial compensation for any pain, suffering and emotional distress that resulted.
Lost wages: Dangerous drugs can cause severe injuries which cause people to miss time from work. Our legal team can help you recover compensation for any wages you were unable to earn because of your drug injury through pharmaceutical litigation.
Loss of earning capacity: You may have been left unable to work ever again due to a drug injury, or left unable to ever do the work you used to again. Our drug injury law firm can help you recover financial compensation for any loss of or reduction of earning capacity caused by your drug injury.
Wrongful death: Unfortunately, sometimes dangerous drugs lead to deaths. If you have lost a loved one to a dangerous drug, by filing a wrongful death claim, the dangerous drug lawyers at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover financial compensation for the loss of your loved one’s wages, burial costs, funeral costs, the loss of your loved one’s love and companionship, your loved one’s medical bills, your loved one’s pain and suffering, and more.
California Dangerous Drug Laws
Manufacturers of drugs should perform thorough tests on their medications and warn about any risks and dangers associated with their drugs in order to prevent dangerous drugs from reaching the marketplace. When drug manufacturers fail to warn doctors who prescribe medications about side effects and risks associated with a drug, the drug manufacturer may end up legally liable for any drug injuries which result.
Drugs, including prescription drugs and over the counter drugs, are subject to product liability laws in California. This means there is generally a two year time limit for you to file a claim from the moment you realize that you became ill or injured by a defective drug. Any lawsuit you file won’t need to prove a drug manufacturer’s negligence. Under strict product liability law, pharmaceutical companies can be found liable for your losses whenever your lawyer is able to prove in a dangerous drug claim that a drug is defective or that a drug company failed to provide sufficient warnings with the drug, whether or not the manufacturer is negligent.
Who Is Liable For My Drug Injury?

Drug injury victims who wish to file a successful drug injury claim need to be able to prove that they received an injury, the drug was falsely marketed or defective, and the injury’s cause was the false marketing or defect related to the drug.
Anyone involved in the chain of drug distribution can end up being a defendant in a dangerous drug claim. Some cases can involve multiple defendants, who can include:
Drug manufacturers: Drug manufacturers can be found liable in drug injury cases for negligence, manufacturing defects, design defects or a failure to warn about side effects.
Doctors, clinics or hospitals: Anyone who failed to give accurate info about the side effects of a drug, from doctors to clinics to hospitals, can be found liable for an injury caused by a defective drug.
Drug testing laboratories: Drugs must go through testing and trials before they’re sold on the marketplace. Injuries can result when mistakes are made in testing, results are falsified or when drug testing laboratories behave fraudulently. Labs who undergo fraudulent behavior can be the subject of lawsuits, and their victims can recover financial compensation for any damages resulting from their negligence.
Pharmacies: Sometimes pharmacies misread drug labels, administer improper dosages or give patients the wrong medication, and pharmacies can be held liable for injuries when they do these things.
It is complicated and difficult to hold large pharmaceutical companies liable for their drugs. These big pharma companies will have expensive lawyers representing them, as well as a large budget to defend themselves with.
If you want to be able to take on big pharma in a drug injury lawsuit, you need experienced, aggressive drug injury lawyers with a reputation for success like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can thoroughly investigate your case to determine any negligence on behalf of pharmaceutical companies, drug manufacturers and other parties. We will not hesitate to fight for you against them in order to deliver you justice and financial compensation.
Types Of Dangerous Drug Claims
Defect in manufacturing
This category includes defective drugs that are tainted or are improperly manufactured.
Dangerous side effects
These are drugs that, by their nature, produce negative side effects in patients which are serious enough to cause injury. Often a drug is inadequately tested in clinical trials before being released to an unsuspecting public. In some cases resulting side effects may not be evident until later, thereby causing even greater harm to the patient.
Drugs that are improperly marketed
The marketing of a drug has to do with warnings, instructions, contraindications, and recommendations for use. Often drug companies fail to provide accurate or adequate warning of the potential for harmful side effects.
Drug Companies Putting Profits Over Safety
Anyone who has been prescribed a drug in recent years knows that prices are very high. Even with medical insurance some patients spend hundreds of dollars a month on medications in order to stay alive. If this were not enough, many of the drugs ostensibly designed to benefit them actually cause more harm than good.
Meanwhile, the profits enjoyed by pharmaceutical manufacturers are no less than astronomical. Drug Watch reports that Eli Lilly made $36 billion between 2004-2008 just for its drug Zyprexa. During these years Pfizer made $245 billion. While it is true that companies are sometimes fined for drugs they manufacture that are dangerous, considering the enormous profits they make these fines do nothing to deter taking risks or rushing drugs to market.
Oftentimes, the only justice for victims of dangerous drug side effects is to make a claim or file a lawsuit.
Dangerous Drug Recalls
Not all medications that have been sold for a long time are safe. The FDA must approve drugs before they’re sold in the United States. However, once drugs enter the marketplace, the FDA can’t do a whole lot when things go wrong. The FDA will track any problems related to drugs that patients report. However, the agency isn’t the final recall authority.
The FDA can ask manufacturers to remove drugs from the marketplace, but what matters is the decision made by the drug company. A lot of dangerous drugs may stay in the marketplace when drug makers decide they’ll make more money by continuing to sell them and dealing with any lawsuits that result as opposed to removing the drug from the market. When recalls occur, the FDA can’t directly contact affected people. Rather, drug companies and pharmacies are responsible for that.
When recalls get issued, they are assigned classifications by the FDA:
Market withdrawals: These are the least serious recalls and involve drug companies removing drugs from the marketplace due to minor issues that probably won’t hurt anyone.
Class 3 recalls: Drugs involved in these recalls might lead to negative outcomes for a few patients but aren’t likely to injure anyone.
Class 2 recalls: Drugs involved in these recalls may lead to serious injuries that aren’t fatal. Most recalls are class 2 recalls. The injuries caused by drugs involved in class 2 recalls aren’t permanent, but they might necessitate a lot of treatment to fix.
Class 1 recalls: These are the most important recalls. These recalls involve drugs that are likely to cause death or serious, irreversible damage. Even drugs that are needed for patients’ survival can be the subject of a class 1 recall if a flaw is discovered by a manufacturer, the FDA or any third party.
If the drug which injured you was recalled, this may help your case, but it is not necessary for your case for the drug which injured you to have been recalled. The voluntary nature of drug recalls means that drug manufacturers can undergo long-term cover-ups of side effects at the expense of consumers. Even without a recall, we may be able to build a strong case for you based on medical studies and stories from other patients.
How To Make A Dangerous Drug Side Effect Claim
Contact the California office of Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today for a free legal consultation. Our drug injury lawyers will evaluate your claim and advise you of your legal options. There is never a charge for our services unless a recovery is made.
We have recovered over $750,000,000 for our clients since 1990, including $5,000,000 for a Chino Hills mother who developed a debilitating, chronic health condition after using diet pills.
If you or a loved one was harmed by a dangerous drug side effects, immediately contact our office to discuss your case. Do not wait as there are strict time limitation for making a claim.