Los Angeles saw 748 truck collisions in 2018, leading to 1,029 injured people and 13 deaths, according to UC Berkeley data. The heavy weight of trucks means they often cause severe accidents leading to deaths and severe injuries. Our aggressive, seasoned Los Angeles truck accident attorneys can help you obtain compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, the damage to your car, your pain and suffering and more.
Our Los Angeles truck accident attorneys only charge a fee for our services if we obtain a recovery. Our services will be free if we do not obtain compensation for you. We only charge a small percentage of any recovery as our fee.
Call us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was hurt or killed in a truck accident in Los Angeles, as you might be eligible for financial compensation. You can also fill out the case evaluation form, text us from this page or email us at info@personalinjurylawcal.com.
Do I Really Need A Truck Accident Lawyer?
It is important that you contact an experienced truck accident law firm like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers if you’ve been injured in a truck accident because the insurance companies won’t compensate you fairly for your injuries if you don’t have a lawyer representing you. They’ll offer you an insultingly low amount and dare you to take them to court over it if you don’t have a lawyer.
In addition, a well-respected truck accident law firm like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers will have established relationships with all of the best doctors in Los Angeles, doctors who agree to only charge for their services once the client’s case is over since the doctors know the firm virtually always wins.
In other words, you absolutely need a truck accident lawyer if you want fair compensation for your injuries as well as the finest healthcare available, no matter your income level.
In addition, it can be very dangerous for you to talk to the insurance companies. It is very easy to accidentally imply your own fault in an accident, even if you weren’t actually at fault, and the adjusters are literally trained to trick you into making this mistake.
So, you can either choose to take on the hassle and significant risk of personally dealing with adjusters who don’t respect you and only intend to do everything in their power to minimize your payout, or you can let an experienced law firm like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers deal with the insurance companies for you and force them to offer you fair compensation for your injuries while you concentrate on recovering from your injuries.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers
Suite 1050
Los Angeles CA 90024
(310) 826-8082
How We Obtain Compensation For Truck Accident Victims In Los Angeles
Almost all of our cases settle out of court for an amount which fairly compensates our clients for their injuries. This is because the insurance companies know that we are battle-tested experts at proving that our clients’ truck accidents were caused by the negligence of their insureds. The insurance companies know we’ll successfully prove a negligence claim in court, so they settle out of court to avoid costly legal fees.
California Civil Code Section 1714 (a) is what legally establishes our ability to obtain compensation for our clients in truck accident cases. It holds those who cause injuries by acting negligently are liable for any damages related to the injuries.
California civil juries are instructed that acting negligently is failing to be reasonably careful for the sake of preventing harm from happening.
Acting and failing to act can both be negligent. For example, a reasonably careful truck driver wouldn’t speed, and a reasonably careful truck driver wouldn’t fail to take a mandatory rest break.
Driving too fast and failing to take a break mandated by law would also both be considered negligence per se. California civil juries are instructed that it is negligence per se when violating law causes harm.
We’ve been handling truck accident cases since 1990 and we’ve developed a vast network of the best truck accident experts in Southern California over all those years. Our experience and the relationships we’ve cultivated with the finest experts are the reasons why we’ve consistently obtained policy limits decisions for our truck accident clients throughout the years.
Truck Accident Statistics
4,951 people were killed in crashes involving large trucks in the United States in 2018, according to the NHTSA. 71 percent of the people were in other vehicles. Three percent of the large truck drivers were driving under the influence of alcohol. There were 848 injury crashes per 100,000 registered large trucks in 2018.
There were a total of 499,999 crashes involving large trucks in the United States in 2018, according to the FMCSA. There were 107,000 injury truck crashes in 2018, and 344,000 property-damage-only truck crashes.
An average long-haul trucker works 60 hour work weeks and drives over 107,000 miles per year, according to a 2014 study.
96 percent of vehicle occupants killed in a two-vehicle collision involving a large truck and a passenger vehicle in 2018 occupied the passenger vehicles, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. 11 percent of all motor vehicle collision deaths in 2018 happened in large truck crashes.
Los Angeles Commercial Truck Policy Limits
In Los Angeles, most commercial trucks on the road are covered by large insurance policies due to the serious risks these vehicles pose in crashes. Freight companies typically carry at least $1 million in coverage for standard loads and up to $5 million for hazardous materials. These high policy limits can play a major role in how much compensation is available after a serious truck accident.
Minimum insurance requirements depend on the type of cargo and the weight of the vehicle:
Type of Cargo | Minimum Insurance Coverage |
Non-hazardous freight under 10,000 lbs | $300,000 |
Non-hazardous freight over 10,000 lbs | $750,000 |
Oil | $1,000,000 |
Other hazardous materials | $5,000,000 |
Our legal team knows how to uncover all available insurance coverage to maximize your financial recovery after a crash involving a commercial vehicle in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawsuits
The injuries in truck accidents can be especially severe, so this is no time to be playing around with big TV or billboard attorneys who are jacks of all trades but masters of none. Now is the time to hire truck accident specialists like the lawyers at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers, who have been the truck accident experts in Los Angeles for three decades. Our strong, tenacious lawyers will stop at nothing to obtain justice for you so you can get on with your life after the significant disruption of a truck accident.
Call us now for a free consultation if you or a loved one was injured or killed in a truck accident in Los Angeles. We may be able to help you obtain compensation for your injuries.