Some of the most devastating accidents are pedestrian accidents. These individuals are vulnerable to out-of-control vehicles on the road, so when an accident happens, a pedestrian can suffer serious injuries. Pedestrian fatalities can even occur. As a pedestrian accident victim, you may have debilitating injuries, crippling debt and other damages.
You can recover these damages with a personal injury claim or lawsuit and hold the responsible party accountable, and you may also find some closure after the incident. Filing, managing and settling your action can be done by a Modesto pedestrian accident lawyer from Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers. You will only have to focus on your recovery.
We do not charge clients to represent them in connection with their pedestrian accident injuries until and unless our personal injury attorneys recover compensation for them. This means that the only fee we will charge you to handle your personal injury case is a percentage of any compensation we recover for you. If we do not successfully recover compensation for you, you won’t be charged for us to handle your pedestrian accident lawsuit or pedestrian accident claim.
If you have suffered pedestrian injuries in a such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries in a car accident and can’t afford to get them treated, our pedestrian accident attorneys can get you to doctors who will treat you on a lien. What this means is you won’t be charged for treatment until your case is over. Doctors do this for us because they know we’ve been getting great results for clients since 1990 – we have recovered over $750,000,000 for clients.
Call an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was injured or killed in a pedestrian accident in Modesto. You can also fill out the free case evaluation form on this page or simply text us from this page.
Claimable Damages After Modesto Pedestrian Accidents
You can claim any damages you experienced or will experience because of another person’s negligent actions. These damages can include physical damages, financial damages, and even mental and emotional damages. For example, depending on the nature of your case, you could claim:
Medical Bills Are The Bulk Of A Typical Personal Injury Claim
Pedestrian safety is not always a guarantee on the roads of Modesto. When injuries occur, pedestrians can be left facing huge medical bills. In addition, they might face even more medical bills in the future if their injuries are severe enough to require future treatment. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover compensation for past and future medical expenses after a pedestrian accident in Modesto.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers
Suite 5
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 232-2933
Lost Wages
If your pedestrian accident caused you to be hurt so badly you can’t work for a period of time, or if you’ve had to miss time from work to get injuries treated, Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover compensation for the wages you were unable to earn.
Loss Of Earning Capacity
A Modesto pedestrian accident might leave someone unable to ever work again, or unable to work in the same field again. This represents a loss or reduction of earning capacity which our lawyers can help you recover financial compensation for.
Pain And Suffering
Pedestrians don’t have the shell of a vehicle protecting them. So, when they’re struck by vehicles, the injuries which result can be devastating and can lead to a lot of physical pain and mental suffering. Our attorneys can help you recover compensation for any pain and suffering you experience due to your pedestrian accident.
One of our firm’s personal injury lawyers can help you determine what your damages are and then valuate them. It’s possible to valuate even mental and emotional damages, but, on your own, you may struggle to convince the other party’s insurance company that your valuations are justified.
Losses A Modesto Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help You Recover In A Wrongful Death Case
You may have lost a family member in a tragic pedestrian accident caused by another individual. If so, we’re very sorry this happened. You’re not responsible for your family’s losses, so you can demand the following losses and possibly others:
- Mental anguish
- Loss of consortium and companionship
- Lost family income
- Unresolved medical bills
- Funeral costs and related costs
It may seem impossible to assign monetary values to many of your losses. However, a wrongful death lawyer from our firm can help with this and then either negotiate a settlement with the insurer or litigate your case for a court judgment.
Do I Need A Modesto Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?
If you were struck by a motor vehicle while walking as a pedestrian, it is not a technical requirement for you to have a lawyer. However, pedestrian accident victims without pedestrian accident lawyers will, in all likelihood, not be able to recover anywhere close to what they are entitled to under California law.
California Civil Code 1714 holds Californians financially liable for any injuries caused by their own negligence. What this means is that if your pedestrian accident was somebody else’s fault, then the person who has to pay you in your pedestrian accident case is the person who caused the accident.
When pedestrian accidents occur, it is usually not the at-fault party who ends up paying for someone else’s injuries, though. Rather, when pedestrian accidents happen, it is usually the at-fault party’s insurance company who ends up paying for injuries.
However, just because insurance companies are legally obligated to pay the full value of pedestrian accident claims up to policy limits does not mean they will. When pedestrians are injured in car accidents, the only way they can really force an insurance company to pay them what they are entitled to is to threaten to sue them or actually sue them.
Insurance companies you can’t sue them over a pedestrian accident and win if you don’t have a lawyer. So, if you are not represented by a lawyer, an insurance company is simply going to quickly offer you a low ball offer, pressure you to accept it, and dare you to file a pedestrian accident lawsuit over the low ball offer, knowing you can’t win such a lawsuit without a lawyer.
However, if you hire experienced lawyers like the ones at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers after being injured in a motor vehicle accident as a pedestrian, the insurance company will know you mean business. The insurance company will know you can sue them and win, as we have a long, well-established track record of success representing pedestrian accident victims in court. Virtually all of our pedestrian accident cases settle out of court because of this reputation for success.
It’s Dangerous To Talk With Insurance Adjusters
Another reason it’s very wise for you to hire a lawyer after being hurt in a pedestrian accident is because insurance adjusters are specifically trained by insurance companies to trick injury victims like yourself into admitting partial fault for accidents or saying things which suggest their injuries aren’t as severe as claimed.
If you speak with an insurance adjuster about your accident, your conversation will be recorded, and anything you say can and will be used against you by the insurance company. If you say the tiniest little thing wrong, it can instantly cause your claim’s value to plummet. It is very easy to fall for the insurance adjuster’s tricks and manipulation – don’t risk it. Call Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers instead so we can talk with the insurance companies for you.
The Services Our Accident Lawyers Can Provide
A pedestrian accident lawyer from our firm can take over your entire case for you, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your family. Your lawyer will handle legal matters and related matters for you, including:
- Investigating your accident
- Gathering evidence for your case, such as police and medical documents
- Finding corroborating evidence, like statements from a medical expert and an accident reconstructionist
- Establishing the other party’s negligence and liability in your case
- Valuating your damages for you
- Negotiating or litigating your case in your pursuit of a fair outcome
Since our lawyers work on a contingency basis, you won’t have to pay your lawyer until your case resolves, so hiring us won’t complicate your financial matters. Your lawyer may even be able to refer you to a medical professional who works on a lien, so you also wouldn’t have to pay this professional until after your case resolves.
Understanding Shared Fault
Fault can be difficult to understand, particularly in California.
California has a comparative fault law (outlined in California Civil Jury Instructions No. 405) that states that both a defendant and a plaintiff can share fault in a case, and when fault is shared, a plaintiff’s award is reduced accordingly. For example, if you’re held 10% at fault in your case, your award will be reduced by 10%.
Your lawyer can protect you from any accusations that you were negligent and partially at fault in your case.
The Filing Deadline for Modesto Pedestrian Accident Lawsuits
Another service one of our attorneys will provide is making sure your case progresses in a timely manner. This may be important for your case if you want to file any kind of lawsuit, if you’re considering a lawsuit, or if a lawsuit becomes your best option later in your case. Your attorney will have to meet the filing deadline for your lawsuit.
In California, according to CCP § 335.1, the filing deadline for a personal injury lawsuit is two years from the date of an incident, and the filing deadline for a wrongful death lawsuit is two years from the date of loss of life.
By getting your pedestrian accident attorney in Modesto soon, you’ll give your attorney their best chance of meeting the filing deadline for your lawsuit. You’ll also give your attorney more time to build your case and make it as strong as possible.
Primary Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents In Modesto
Most Modesto pedestrian accidents are caused by drivers who fail to yield when pedestrians are on the road. It is common for negligent drivers to fail to yield to pedestrians or look for pedestrians when at intersections, especially while they turn onto other roads.
The most common causes of pedestrian accidents in Modesto are:
Driving While Distracted
Many pedestrian accidents occur because drivers don’t focus on the road. Drivers might lose track of conditions surrounding them, such as crosswalks, intersections, pedestrians walking along the road, pedestrians crossing the road, or traffic lights.
Driving While Drunk Or Drugged
When people drive while drunk or high, it is more likely they will lose control of the vehicle they are driving. This puts others on the road, such as pedestrians, at risk of injury or death.
Illegal Turns
Drivers are typically looking for other vehicles and this sometimes causes them to disregard the rules of the road and make an illegal turn without noticing another user of the road such as a pedestrian.
Driving Recklessly
One common cause of pedestrian accidents is careless drivers disregarding traffic rules by doing things like running red lights or ignoring traffic signals and signs. Reckless driving exposes all on roads to danger, especially pedestrians.
Many pedestrian accidents happen due to speeding, as speeding drivers have little or no time to stop or maneuver their vehicle before striking a pedestrian.
Our Modesto Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Can Help
Many times, drivers will try to blame pedestrians for pedestrian accidents. They’ll ask things like “why did you not see me,” or “why didn’t you watch where you were walking?”
You shouldn’t let yourself get bullied into accepting blame for your accident. Drivers have a duty to pay attention to pedestrians since their vehicles are much more dangerous to pedestrians than the pedestrians are to the vehicles.
However, it can be very challenging to prove another driver is at fault for your accident, and it can be even more challenging to get another driver or their insurance company to take responsibility for negligence. The at-fault party’s insurance company will almost certainly try to blame you for the accident. You need an aggressive, experienced Modesto pedestrian accident lawyer by your side.
Our lawyers have been representing victims such as yourself against huge insurance companies since 1990. We have the experience and skill to ensure that you won’t end up taking the blame for your accident. We have the experience and skill to ensure you are fairly compensated for your injuries by the at-fault driver or their insurance company. Call us today so we can put our experience and skill to work for you.
The Main Reason to Get a Modesto Personal Injury Attorney From Our Firm
Our personal injury attorney manages personal injury cases, like pedestrian accident cases and wrongful death cases, almost exclusively, so a personal injury attorney knows how to handle a case like yours.
Our firm has been successful with cases, obtaining over 0,000,000 for our clients. You can expect your Modesto pedestrian attorney to do everything in their power to assist you and achieve a fair outcome for your case.
Call Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers Today for a Free Case Review
If you or a loved one is a pedestrian accident victim in Stanislaus County, reach out to our firm. We’ve assisted many people like you with their cases, so we’re confident we can assist you with yours. Even if your case involves the loss of a loved one, we can help you pursue damages.
Upon calling us, we’ll offer a free consultation. If you accept, we’ll review your case with you and offer advice about how to proceed with it. If you decide to hire one of our attorneys, you’ll be able to rely on them to represent your needs and those of your loved ones to the best of their ability. Call Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today for your free consultation.