Accidents involving large trucks tend to result in more severe injuries than your average auto accident. This is because large trucks weigh a lot and therefore exert a lot of force when they collide with another vehicle.
Unfortunately, there are over 130 million trucks in America, and truckers are often fatigued while driving: half of professional truck drivers have admitted to falling asleep at the wheel.
Truck accidents can cause severe, debilitating injuries which can lead to astronomical medical bills. These injuries can cause you to be unable to work for extended lengths of time, or even permanently, making paying those bills difficult to impossible.
The Susanville truck accident attorneys at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers are here to help you get your life back on track after you’ve been injured in a truck accident. Trucking companies often carry insurance policies in excess of $1 million, and we can make sure the insurance companies pay you every penny you deserve for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of earning capacity and more.
You may be hesitant to hire a lawyer, thinking you can’t afford one, but our Lassen County truck accident lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis. This means we don’t charge a fee unless and until we obtain a recovery, so anyone can afford us, since our clients will never owe us money out of their own pocket.
Your injuries after a truck accident may be severe and require skilled medical care. We know all of the best doctors in California, and they treat our clients on a lien, meaning no fee is charged until your case is over. They do this because they know about our track record of getting our clients great results.
We also represent the families of those who lost loved ones in a truck accident. We file wrongful death claims and lawsuits on behalf of these families.
Call us today at (530) 296-1202 for a free consultation if you or a loved one was injured or killed in a truck accident. You may be entitled to a financial recovery.
What Can Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers Do For Me?
Insurance companies have a playbook they use to reduce your compensation in any accident claim, but the Susanville truck accident lawyers at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers know this playbook inside and out. Insurance companies can trick you into admitting fault for an accident, but if you let us speak to the insurance companies for you, we won’t fall for their tricks.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers
(530) 296-1202
We also have a large network of the best investigators and expert witnesses in California who can thoroughly examine the circumstances of your accident in order to make sure you receive the most compensation possible for your injuries.
Our lawyers and team of investigators and experts can examine vehicles, take accident scene pictures and record witness statements to help bolster your case. There are numerous other steps we can take to help maximize your settlement, including:
- Reviewing police and accident reports
- Reviewing camera footage
- Interviewing medical staff
- Reviewing and analyzing medical records
- Making sure that truck drivers and companies preserve crucial evidence
- Having experts recreate the accident and reconstruct the scene of the accident
- Getting important evidence from the truck’s “black box”
- Getting drug and alcohol tests from the truck driver
- Sending a spoliation letter to the truck company, making them legally obligated to preserve important evidence
While truck insurance policies can often be in the seven digit range, the insurance companies don’t want to pay you this much, and they won’t if you don’t have a lawyer by your side. They will offer you a tiny percentage of what the law entitles you to and force you to take them to court, where you can’t win without a lawyer, over it.
Our truck accident lawyers in Susanville can even the playing field for you. While insurance companies know you can’t win in court without lawyers, they also know they can’t win in court against us. We can help you obtain the largest settlement possible by negotiating with the insurance companies since they know about our long, proven track record of success.
What Types Of Truck Accident Damages Can I Be Compensated For?
There are many things you can be compensated for in a truck accident claim or lawsuit, including:
- Past and future medical bills: We can help you obtain compensation for surgery, care in the hospital, ER visits, appointments with medical providers, ongoing future medical care and more.
- Pain and suffering: Truck accidents can lead to a lot of physical pain which can last a long time, and we can help you get financially compensated for this pain.
- Emotional distress: Truck accidents can lead to anxiety, grief, worry, emotional trauma, fright, and more, and we can help you get compensated for this distress.
- Loss of wages: We can help get you compensated for any time missed from work due to your truck accident.
- Loss of earning capacity: Your future ability to work and be compensated for it may be impacted by your truck accident injuries and we can calculate this loss and make sure you get paid for it.
- Loss of consortium: Family members can lose the assistance, services, society, aid, companionship, care and more of a loved one who is injured in a truck accident and we can help family members be compensated for these losses.
Do I Have A Valid Truck Accident Claim?
You have a valid truck accident claim if you were injured in a truck accident which was at least partially the result of someone else’s negligence.
Negligence is failing to act as a reasonably careful person would act under the same circumstances. Negligent parties in truck accidents can include truck drivers, truck companies, truck owners, truck manufacturers, those who hire truck drivers/companies, those who lease trucks or trailers, and more.
There are many common examples of negligence which cause truck accidents, including:
- Overloaded trucks
- Inexperienced truck drivers
- Trucks’ large blind spots leading to vehicles on the road not being seen
- Driving trucks that are too large on roads that are too narrow
- Driving too long with no break
- Breaking traffic laws
- Companies not monitoring how long their drivers are spending on the road
- Hiring unfit truck drivers
- Operating trucks/trailers in an unsafe condition
- Failing to adequately train or supervise a truck driver
- Hiring an unfit truck company
- Drug or alcohol use
- Driving aggressively
What Should I Do After A Truck Accident?
Truck accidents are an unfortunate reality on California’s roads. You should do the following if you’re injured in a truck accident in Susanville:
- Seek medical attention immediately: Do this even if you don’t think you’re hurt. Endorphins and adrenaline at the accident scene can mask injuries. You must have your medical condition documented by a medical professional as soon as possible after an accident so insurance companies and lawyers can’t claim your injuries were caused by something else.
- Contact the police: Police reports can be vital when trying to convince an insurance company that their insured was at fault for an accident.
- Get the contact information of any witnesses: Accident witnesses can help support any personal injury claim or lawsuit you file.
- Take pictures: Don’t assume the police will do this. Photos of vehicles involved, injuries, roadway conditions, traffic signs, traffic signals and more can be crucial in terms of proving an accident wasn’t your fault.
- Talk as little as possible: Keep your talking to a minimum at the accident scene so as to avoid accidentally admitting fault for your accident. Don’t speak with other parties’ insurance companies at all, as they’re trained to manipulate you into admitting fault. Let experienced Lassen County truck accident attorneys like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers talk with the insurance companies for you instead.
- Call Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers: Let us handle everything for you while you focus on recovering from your injuries. We’ll protect your legal rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.
Susanville Truck Accident Attorneys
The stakes are very high in a truck accident claim or lawsuit since truck insurance policies can be as massive as the serious injuries caused by the accident. You need an experienced truck accident law firm on your side to handle these high stakes for you.
We’ve been representing truck accident victims for over 30 years. We’ve recovered over half a billion dollars for clients since 1990. Insurance companies fear and respect our long, proven track record of success and that’s why they almost always pay up out of court when we represent injury victims.
Call us today at (530) 296-1202 for a truck accident consultation. You may be entitled to financial compensation.