The drunk driving accident lawyers near you at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers represent those who have been injured by a drunk driver in Modesto, CA.
The City of Modesto, CA saw 920 traffic accidents primarily caused by an intoxicated driver from 2011 through 2020, according to UC Berkeley data. Drunk driving crashes are an unfortunate reality of life, and they can leave their victims seriously injured, unable to work and unable to pay their medical expenses because they can’t work. If you have been injured in a DUI accident, a nearby drunk driver accident lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover financial compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, pain, suffering and more.
A drunk driving accident attorney at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers will represent you on a contingency fee basis. This means that we will not charge you any legal fees to handle your drunk driving accident case until and unless we recover financial compensation for you. We never charge drunk driving accident victims any upfront fees or out of pocket fees. The only fee that we charge victims of drunk drivers is a percentage of any financial recovery we obtain for them. If we don’t obtain a recovery in our drunk driving accident cases, we don’t charge any fee.
We can help those who are injured in drunk driving accidents and who can’t afford treatment for their injuries. We can get you to doctors who will treat the injuries you sustained in a drunk driving crash. These doctors won’t charge you for your treatment until your case is over. Doctors provide this service to our clients because they know we obtain fantastic results for our clients. We have been representing drunk driving accident victims since 1990 and have recovered over $750,000,000 for clients in that time.
Call a drunk driver accident lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident involving intoxicated driving. You can also text us from this page. You can also fill out the free case evaluation form on this page. Contact us today. Let us fight to recover the compensation and justice you deserve.
What Can The Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys At Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers Do For Me?
If you have been injured in a drunk driving collision, a drunk driving accident lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can do many things for you. A DUI accident lawyer at our firm can:
1 – Recover Financial Compensation For You
The main reason to hire a DUI accident attorney is so they can help you recover financial compensation for your injuries and losses. We can help you recover financial compensation for:
Medical Bills
The largest chunk of financial compensation in drunk driving accident claims is typically in the form of compensation for medical expenses. You are probably already facing medical bills after being injured in an auto accident involving a driver with too high of a blood alcohol concentration. You may have also suffered serious injuries which will require future treatment. This future treatment will lead to yet more medical bills. We can file a personal injury claim on your behalf seeking financial compensation for any past or future medical bills which are related to your motor vehicle accident involving a driver with too high of a blood alcohol content.
Property Damage
DUI accidents often lead to severely damaged or even totaled vehicles. We can help you recover compensation for any damage to your vehicle as well as any damage to any other personal property inside your vehicle.
Lost Wages
One common form of compensation in a personal injury case is financial compensation for lost wages. This means that when a DUI accident victim is unable to work for a period of time because of their accident, we can help them recover money to compensate them for the wages they were unable to earn. This could mean you were hurt too badly to work for a while. This could mean you had to miss work to have your injuries treated. Whatever the case, if you were unable to earn wages because of your car accident, we can help you recover compensation for those wages.
Loss Of Earning Capacity
Sometimes, when impaired drivers cause a car wreck, victims suffer severe injuries which leave them disabled. These disabilities can leave victims unable to work again, or unable to work in the field they used to again. This causes victims to suffer a loss or reduction of their earning capacity. With the help of our legal representation, you may be able to recover compensation for any loss of your earning capacity caused by an accident which was caused by alcohol consumption.
Pain And Suffering
Intoxicated drivers who are over the legal limit sometimes exhibit reckless driving, often at incredibly high speeds. Because of this, the car accidents they cause can lead to significant injuries which cause physical pain and mental suffering. Our law firm can help you recover financial compensation for any pain and suffering caused by the drunk driving accident you were in.
Wrongful Death
It is unfortunate that fatal drunk driving accidents do sometimes occur. We can file a wrongful death claim on your behalf if you lost a loved one to a drunk driving accident. Those who lose loved one to fatal car accidents, by having wrongful death claims filed by them by lawyers, can recover compensation for their loved one’s funeral and burial costs, medical expenses, pain and suffering. We can also help you recover compensation, by filing a civil claim on your behalf, for the loss of your loved one’s companionship, love, household services and income.
Punitive Damages
We will seek punitive damages on your behalf to maximize the size of your financial recovery. Punitive damages are meant to punish drunk drivers for their reckless behavior and discourage others from driving while drunk.
2 – Force Insurance Companies To Pay Victims Of Drunk Driving Crashes What They Deserve
The primary source of your financial recovery in a drunk driving accident case will almost certainly be the insurance company representing the drunk driver. California law holds negligent drivers like drunk drivers financially liable for any damages they cause. This means that drunk drivers’ insurance companies are legally obligated to pay you all of the damages you incur, up to their policy limits, when the drunk drivers injure you.
However, just because the insurance company is legally obligated to pay you for all of your damages, up to their policy limits, doesn’t mean they necessarily will. In fact, they simply won’t if you don’t have a lawyer.
Insurance companies stay in business by making money. They make money by paying injury victims like you as little money as possible. This means that, unless they are forced to do otherwise, they will only offer you a very small fraction of what you actually deserve after being in a drunk driving accident. They are not interested in your health or well-being. They are interested in profit.
How can you force an insurance company to give you a fair settlement offer? The only way is to threaten to sue them or actually sue them. Of course, insurance companies have a lot of money to throw at very expensive lawyers. They know you can’t beat them in court if you don’t have a lawyer of your own. So, if you lack legal representation, they will never take your threats to sue them or any actual lawsuit you file seriously. They will never offer you a fair settlement amount because they know you can’t make them if you don’t have an attorney.
This is where experienced lawyers like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers come into play. Insurance companies typically keep files on personal injury lawyers. They keep files on us. When they look at these files, what they see is that when we go to court for our clients, we win. They see that we have been winning cases for over 30 years. They see that it is a waste of their time and legal fees to try to go to court against us. They know that it’s in their best interest to offer you a fair settlement amount rather than take us on in court, lose and have to pay you what you deserve anyway. Almost every single one of our cases settles out of court because of our long record of success.
When you hire Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers, you hire lawyers who the insurance companies respect and fear. This means that, by hiring us, you give yourself the best chance to obtain the most compensation possible for your injuries. Studies show that injury victims who hire injury lawyers end up recovering far more money than those who don’t, even after taking into account legal fees.
3 – Handle All Aspects Of Your Case, Including All Communications With Insurance Companies
So, you’ve just been badly injured by a drunk driver. You can’t work because of it. Worse yet, you’re racking up medical bills which you can’t pay because you can’t work. Life is very stressful right now. The last thing you need is the additional stress of having to handle a complex personal injury claim on your own.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can handle every single aspect of your case for you. This means that all you have to do is sit back, let us do the work for you, and focus on recovering from your injuries.
Perhaps the most important aspect of your case we can handle for you is handling all negotiations and communications with insurance companies for you. Why is this important? Because it’s actually quite dangerous for you to speak with insurance companies.
The worst thing an injury victim can do is speak with the insurance company representing the at fault party. Insurance adjusters will record any conversations you have with them. Worse yet, they are literally trained by insurance companies to trick you and manipulate you. They will try to get you to say things while you’re being recorded that imply you were partly at fault for your drunk driving accident. They will try to get you to say things that imply you’re not actually injured as severely as you claim.
It is very easy to fall for their tricks. Do not think that once you know they try to do this, you won’t fall for them. They can twist the tiniest, most innocent little thing you say and make it benefit them and allow them to pay you less compensation or no compensation at all. If you accidentally say the wrong thing to an insurance company, it can severely damage your ability to recover compensation for your injuries.
We have been dealing with insurance companies for over 30 years. We know every single trick up the insurance companies’ sleeves. We won’t fall for their deception. Let us talk with the insurance companies so you don’t have to worry about incriminating yourself.
4 – Gather Evidence And Build A Convincing Case
We can gather evidence on your behalf to build a convincing case for you. We can send experts out to investigate the accident scene. We may hire accident reconstruction experts to recreate your accident in order to help prove to an insurance company or jury that your accident was caused by a drunk driver. We can hire medical experts to explain your injuries to an insurance company or jury and explain things such as the kinds of medical treatments and accommodations you may require in the future because of your accident and how much these things will cost. We can, with your permission, obtain all of your medical records for you so you don’t have to.
5 – Identify All Sources Of Compensation
The drunk driver might not be the only liable party in your case. There may be additional liable parties in your case, and by identifying them, we can maximize the compensation we’re able to recover for you. For example, say a drunk driver is partly at fault for your accident, but there was also a dangerous roadway condition which contributed to your accident. We can hire experts to investigate your accident scene, find any dangerous roadway conditions, and identify what government agency is responsible for that dangerous roadway condition. In this circumstance, you may be able to recover more compensation than is available under the drunk driver’s insurance policy limits, since an additional source of compensation, the government agency responsible for the dangerous roadway condition, would be identified and included in any claim or lawsuit.
6 – Represent You In Court If Necessary
Almost all of our cases settle out of court. If, for some reason, settlement negotiations in your case break down, though, rest assured we have a very long, consistent track record of success representing our clients in court. Your case is in safe hands with Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers. We will represent you in court if need be and we will fight aggressively to protect your legal rights.
Is There A Time Limit To File A Claim Or Lawsuit Against A Drunk Driver?
Yes. That time limit is called a statute of limitations.
The statute of limitations in California is two years from the date of your injury. This means you have two years to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries.
However, if a government agency is involved, such as Caltrans, you then only have six months from the date of your injury to file a lawsuit.
It can take a long time to build a convincing drunk driving accident case. A lot of evidence needs to be gathered. Negotiations with insurance companies can also take a long time. You should not expect the best results if you procrastinate and wait until the last second to call a lawyer. Calling us today gives us as much time as possible to build a convincing case for you, negotiate aggressively with insurance companies on your behalf and, if necessary, make sure a lawsuit is filed on time for you.
Call us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was hurt or killed in a drunk driving accident. You may be eligible for financial compensation.