San Francisco, CA saw 94 truck collisions in 2018, leading to 118 injured people and two deaths, according to UC Berkeley data. Truck accidents often involve deaths or serious injuries because of the massive amount of energy generated in a collision involving a large, heavy truck. The experienced truck accident attorneys at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers have been helping Bay Area truck accident victims obtain fair compensation for their injuries, medical bills, wrecked car, lost wages and more since 1990.
We’ve recovered over $750,000,000 on behalf of clients in that time because insurance companies have learned to fear and respect us. Insurance companies virtually always settle out of court with us, offering us fair compensation, because they know that taking us to court would be a waste of time and legal fees.
Insurance companies won’t offer you fair compensation if you don’t have a lawyer because they won’t fear or respect you. They’ll offer you as little as they can to preserve their profits and they’ll try their hardest to get you to accidentally admit fault for your accident so they can offer you even less or nothing at all. You need an experienced personal injury law firm like Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers on your side if you want to obtain fair compensation for your injuries.
We don’t charge a fee if we don’t obtain a recovery.
Call us now at (415) 526-8949 if you or a loved one was injured or killed in a truck accident in San Francisco. You may be able to receive financial compensation. You can also email us at, fill out the form on the right or chat with a live chat representative.
How We Can Obtain A Recovery For Your Truck Accident Injuries
Negligence is the key legal concept in terms of obtaining you a recovery for your truck accident injuries. California Civil Code Section 1714 (a) establishes that people whose negligence injures others are liable for the injuries.
California civil jury instructions define negligence as not being reasonably careful in order to prevent harm.
Acting can be negligent if, by acting, one is doing what a reasonably careful person would not do in the same situation. Speeding is an example. A reasonably careful person would not exceed the speed limit.
Failing to act can be negligent if, by not acting, one is failing to do what a reasonably careful person would do in the same situation. Failing to turn on your headlights when it’s dark out is an example. A reasonably careful person would turn their headlights on in the dark.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers
San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 526-8949
Speeding and not turning your lights on in the dark would also both be examples of negligence per se. California jurors are instructed that harm caused by violation of the law is to be determined to be harm caused by negligence, or negligence per se.
Truck Accident Recoveries
We can obtain you compensation for many things in a truck accident case, including:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Damaged property, like a wrecked car
- Loss of earning potential
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Wrongful death
- Loss of consortium
- Disability
- Disability accommodations
Truck Accident Causes
A 2003 NHTSA analysis found that over half of large truck fatalities happened on non-divided, two-lane roads. The analysis found that about 10 times as many fatalities occur when a passenger vehicle encroaches into a truck’s lane, causing a sideswipe, compared to when the truck encroaches into the passenger vehicle’s lane. The analysis found that a speed limit of 55 miles per hour or more, bad weather and curved roads significantly increased rollover and jackknife odds for large trucks. The analysis found that higher weight increases rollover risk and that jackknife risks increase as truck length increases.
Jackknife accidents are common truck accidents which occur when the truck turns, angling the cab away from the cargo. Collisions and loss of control of the truck can cause this to occur.
Rollover accidents are common truck accidents because trucks have a high center of gravity.
A 1998 study found that loop ramps have a higher truck accident rate compared to other types of freeway ramps, particularly in terms of rollover accidents.
Speeding is a common cause of all traffic accidents, including truck accidents. California saw 927 people killed in speeding-related accidents in 2018, according to UC Berkeley.
Poor maintenance and mechanical failures are common causes of truck accidents. Truck accidents can occur when, for example, poorly-maintained brakes fail.
Trucks have large blind spots and this is a common cause of truck accidents.
Trucks have a very wide turning radius and this is a common cause of novice truck drivers getting in accidents.
Most trucks have air brakes instead of the hydraulic brakes found in most cars. It is difficult enough to stop a heavy vehicle even if you’re completely familiar with your brakes, so unfamiliar brakes can cause novice drivers to get into accidents. Trucks have grown increasingly and consistently heavier since 2013, according to the FMCSA.
Driver error is a common cause of trucking accidents. This is, essentially, negligence. Companies can be held liable for hiring negligent drivers, as well. The FMCSA found that the driver was the critical reason for 87 percent of truck accidents. They found that 38 percent of truck accidents were due to a bad driver decision and 28 percent were caused by poor driver recognition.
Improperly loaded or overloaded trucks are a common cause of truck accidents. Improperly loaded cargo can strike other vehicles, cause flat tires or cause the truck driver to lose control.
San Francisco Commercial Truck Insurance Requirements
Trucking companies are required to carry high-limit liability insurance policies because of the severe damage large trucks can cause in a crash. These policy limits can impact the amount of compensation available to victims after a serious truck accident in San Francisco.
The minimum coverage required by federal law depends on the type of cargo the truck is carrying and its weight:
Type of Cargo | Minimum Insurance Coverage |
Non-hazardous freight under 10,000 lbs | $300,000 |
Non-hazardous freight over 10,000 lbs | $750,000 |
Oil | $1,000,000 |
Other hazardous materials | $5,000,000 |
Some trucks operating exclusively within California may carry even higher limits. If you were injured in a truck accident in San Francisco, our attorneys will investigate all available coverage and pursue the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.
San Francisco Truck Accident Lawsuits
The services of our experienced San Francisco truck crash lawyers are free unless we obtain a recovery. We work with a network of the best doctors in the Bay Area who have agreed to treat our clients without charging them until their case is over. This means we can get you the finest medical treatment available for your injuries.
Call us now at (415) 526-8949 for a free consultation. You might be eligible for a financial recovery if you or a loved one was injured in a truck accident in San Francisco.