California Wrongful Death Attorneys

Wrongful death cases are based on the reckless action or inaction of another. Wrongful death can occur out of abuse or negligence. Wrongful death claims are complex. Therefore, if a loved one has died as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact a wrongful death attorney for a free case evaluation.
If you believe that you may have a wrongful death suit, contact a wrongful death attorney in your area by calling us, texting us from this page or by completing the contact form on this page. You will receive a free case evaluation to determine if you may have a claim to compensate you for your loss. We don’t charge a fee until and unless we win your case, so you will never owe us any money out of your own pocket. Our only fee is a percentage of any money we recover for you.
Most Recent Accident Settlements and Victories
$1,000,000 Settlement
A mother to two adult children was killed in a two-car accident.
Do I Need A Wrongful Death Lawyer?
Negligence is failing to be reasonably careful to prevent harm. Those who cause someone to be injured or killed via negligence in California are financially liable for any damages associated with the injury or death under California law.
The actual person or company whose negligence caused an injury or death typically doesn’t end up directly paying for damages, though. It usually ends up being an insurance company who ends up directly paying for injury or death-related damages.
Insurance companies who represent negligent defendants are supposed to, by law, pay for all damages, up to policy limits, related to an injury or death caused by those they insure. However, the only way this obligation can be enforced is through a civil lawsuit. So, if the insurance company doesn’t think you can sue them and win, they will simply refuse to pay you the wrongful death damages you are entitled to.
The insurance companies know that you can’t sue them and win if you aren’t represented by a lawyer. So, if you don’t have a lawyer, they will only offer you a small fraction of the wrongful death damages that you are entitled to under the law.
You need experienced wrongful death lawyers with a track record of success by your side if you want the insurance companies to respect you enough to pay you what you deserve. We have been successfully handling wrongful death cases since 1990. We have recovered over $750,000,000 for our clients. Insurance companies know about our track record of success. They know it’s a waste of their money and time to go to court against us – that’s why virtually all of our cases are settled out of court.
In addition, insurance companies are experts at getting claimants to say things while they’re being recorded that allow them to pay the claimants less money or no money at all. Insurance adjusters are actually trained to trick you into saying these things. For example, you may have been a witness to the accident which killed your loved one. An insurance company may be able to trick you into saying something that implies your loved one was at fault for their accident.
You need experienced lawyers to talk to the insurance companies for you so you don’t have to worry about incriminating yourself. Leave talking to the insurance companies to Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers. Call us today for a free consultation.
What Can Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers Do For Me?
The legal process regarding wrongful death can be stressful and time-consuming. It can involved numerous procedures and rules. Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can assist you in many ways:
Filing a lawsuit: There are numerous requirements when it comes to filing a lawsuit for a wrongful death. Such a lawsuit needs to be persuasive, and it needs to be able to hold up to challenges from the defense.
Evidence collection: A persuasive case needs evidence. We can help gather evidence for you through requests for documents, depositions, investigators and more.
Presenting challenges to the defense: The defense is going to raise multiple legal defenses in order to avoid paying you wrongful death damages. We can challenge their defenses, and by doing so, protect your legal rights.
Settlement negotiation: Most wrongful death lawsuits end up reaching an out-of-court settlement. However, you should never accept an inadequate settlement to avoid going to court. We will utilize evidence and arguments during negotiations in order to get you the settlement you deserve.
Representing you in court: If settlement negotiations break down, which is uncommon, we will represent you in court. This involves very strict procedural requirements and evidence rules. This will involve a courtroom, jury and judge.
The Plaintiff In A Wrongful Death Case
The plaintiff is a survivor of the decedent, typically a spouse and/or children. It is important to keep in mind that each state has different timelines for filing wrongful death suits, and failure to file on time can mean that any right to compensation may be forever barred.

If you believe that you may have a claim for the loss of a loved one, contact a wrongful death attorney today for a free case evaluation by calling us or completing the contact form on this page.
Examples Of Wrongful Death Claims
This is a partial list of accidents and negligence that may give rise to a wrongful death claim:
- Traffic accidents
- Boating accidents
- House fires caused by negligence
- Falls
- Medical malpractice
- Negligence during surgery
- Improperly prescribed medication
- Defective products
- Airplane accidents
- Train accidents
- Amusement park accidents
Damages In A Wrongful Death Case

The damages in a wrongful death claim are based upon a complex formula. In order to obtain full value for a wrongful death claim, it’s important to contact a wrongful death attorney so that full compensation is obtained.
The calculation of damages in a wrongful death action can include, but are not limited to:
- Age of the decedent and overall medical health
- The present and presumed future earning capacity
- The changed circumstances of the plaintiff(s). For example, if they have been left impoverished because the decedent provided the only income
- Medical costs associated with decedent’s care caused by injury
- Funeral expenses
- Loss of consortium
The things you may qualify for financial compensation for include:
Medical bills: Your loved one may have been given emergency care before they passed. They may have racked up other medical bills because of an injury or accident that someone else caused which lead to their death. You may receive financial compensation for any medical expenses connected with the cause of their death.
Loss of wages: Your loved one may have missed time from work before they passed because of the accident or injury which eventually killed them. You may qualify for financial compensation for any income your loved one would have earned had they been able to work after their injury or accident.
Loss of future earnings: You may have relied on your loved one for financial support. You may qualify for financial compensation for the loss of your loved one’s future wages.
Gifts or benefits: You may have reasonably expected to receive gifts or benefits, like payments for child support, from your loved one had they not died. You may qualify for compensation for these gifts or benefits.
Pain and suffering: The injury or accident which caused your loved one’s death may have caused emotional, mental and physical trauma. You may qualify to be compensated for their pain and suffering.
Burial and funeral expenses: Burial and funeral expenses can be quite expensive. Caskets can cost as much as $10,000, for example. These expenses can place a significant burden on families who may have just lost a breadwinner. You may qualify for compensation for your loved one’s burial and funeral costs.
Loss of consortium: This is also called loss of companionship. You may qualify for financial compensation for the loss of the benefits of an intimate or familial relationship. These benefits can include affection, companionship, comfort, love and sexual intimacy.
Household services: Your loved one may have provided household services, such as doing chores around the house. You may qualify for compensation for the reasonable value of the household services provided by your loved one.
It is very important for anyone who wants to file a wrongful death claim to work with a knowledgeable and experienced wrongful death attorney. The defendant’s insurance company is not on your side. To protect your right to recovery, contact us for a free consultation by calling us today, or by completing the contact form on this page.
Wrongful Death Attorney
We wish there were something we can do to help you if you are suffering from the wrongful death of a loved one or family member killed in an accident. We know that financial compensation can not replace the love and companionship of your loved one. But our society does provide the ability for you to bring a wrongful death lawsuit which is the right to make the responsible parties pay the surviving family members or individual family member for your loved one’s death. To succeed in a wrongful death lawsuit, we need to prove that the death was caused by the wrongful, negligent, careless or reckless act of another person, company, or municipality.
The wrongful death lawyers at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers are very sensitive to wrongful death families. We will help you deal with the sudden unexpected death of a loved one or family member.
The type of damages we obtain in death cases are as follows:
- Injuries caused by pain and suffering;
- Damages for loss of a husband or wife which is loss of consortium or the loss of a son or daughter which is the loss of a relationship;
- Loss of future earning abilities which the deceased would provide to his or her loved ones;
- Unpaid medical bills;
- General expenses including burial costs.
California and other states’ wrongful death laws were created so that family members of a deceased loved one can bring a legal action against the responsible parties.
We know that when dealing with the death of a loved one, you do not want to deal with an insurance company or a large corporation. We will take on the responsibility of dealing with the insurance companies and we will investigate the case to make certain we can succeed in having those who caused the death be held financially responsible. We will investigate in detail all claims against all possible parties and make certain no stone is left unturned.
We have available for you a world-class team of experts, doctors, lawyers, and assistants to develop the best strategy and obtain the highest financial recovery possible.
We will provide you with the answers you need. We have multiple offices and meeting locations throughout California.
Our most common death cases are the following:
- Drug or medical device side effect;
- Fatal car accidents;
- Fatal bicycle accidents;
- Fatal motorcycle accidents;
- Fatal pedestrian accidents;
- Fatal dangerous premises or defective products or dangerous roadway condition cases;
- Construction cases;
- Trucking accidents
What Is The Average Wrongful Death Settlement
The average wrongful death settlement we obtain can be anywhere from $100,000 to millions of dollars depending upon the amount of insurance available and the specific, particular circumstances of the death.
The amount you may recover in a settlement will depend on the individual circumstances of your case. Call us today for a free consultation. We can explain to you all of the various damages you may qualify for and exactly how much your case may be worth.
Who Can Sue For Wrongful Death In California?
In California, the family of the deceased person can sue. If someone died without a will it is called Intestate Succession. The first heirs to the deceased person’s estate are the spouse and then the children. If there is no spouse or children, the heirs would then be the adult siblings of the deceased or the deceased’s mother and father.
Those who can sue for wrongful death include:
Spouses: Your spouse or your domestic partner may have been the victim of a wrongful death. If so, you have the legal right to file a lawsuit over their wrongful death which seeks financial compensation. You are probably entitled to numerous damages, both non-economic and economic, as your loved one’s surviving spouse.
Children: You may have lost your parent, whether they be your biological parent or your adoptive parent, to a wrongful death. If so, you’re entitled to file a lawsuit seeking compensation. You may also be entitled to file a lawsuit if you are the stepchild of the decedent and can prove that you were financially dependent on the decedent. You may also be entitled to file a lawsuit if you are a minor who lived with the decedent for at least 180 days before they died and can prove that you were financially dependent on the decedent.
Parents: You may be the parent of a loved one who suffered a wrongful death. If so, you are entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This applies if the decedent was a minor when they died, or if they were an adult and had no descendants.
Others: Sometimes no parent, child or spouse is found who survives the decedent. When this occurs, other surviving members of the family may be considered the decedent’s heir. An heir is someone who logically and legally inherits the decedent’s property when the decedent dies without a will.
What Is Your Success Rate For Wrongful Death Cases?
Our success rate for wrongful death cases is over 99%. We have the best case selection in the industry.
How Do You Find The Best Wrongful Death Lawyer?
Our experienced wrongful death attorneys specialize in wrongful deaths and have been part of over 100 wrongful death settlements in California since 1992. Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers is the best law firm to handle wrongful death cases whether it is complicated with multiple defendants, or if it is a car accident case where someone is killed by another motorist.
How Long Does A Wrongful Death Case Take To Resolve?
In California, a wrongful death case can take as little as three months or as long as 24 months. Three months would be when liability is accepted and we are able to obtain the full insurance policy limit for the defendant. If there is disputed liability amongst multiple parties or complex facts, then we would have to file a lawsuit and litigate the wrongful death claim for 18 to 24 months.
Is There A Time Limit To File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In California?
There is a time limit to file a wrongful death lawsuit in California. That time limit is two years from the date of the death. This time limit is known as a statute of limitations.
However, if the lawsuit involves a government entity, that time limit is reduced to six months.
Wrongful death lawsuits can be very complex. It can take a long time to put together a convincing wrongful death lawsuit. Therefore, if you have lost a loved one and it’s someone else’s fault, it’s best that you call us today for a free consultation. Calling us today gives us as much time as possible to put together a convincing case for you and ensure that it is filed in a timely fashion.
Why Contact Us?
The legal team at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers has represented numerous families in wrongful death lawsuits against insurance companies, corporations, nursing homes, pharmaceutical companies, city governments and individuals.
We have obtained tens of millions of dollars for families of wrongful death victims. Wrongful death settlements and verdicts we have obtained include:
- A policy limits settlement for the family of a pedestrian struck and killed in a crosswalk in Garden Grove on Harbor Boulevard
- A policy limits settlement for the family of a pedestrian hit and killed by a truck in Santa Monica on Lincoln Boulevard
Please call us today or complete the free case review on the right.