After a truck accident, victims may have serious injuries the truck driver is responsible for. However, multiple parties might be responsible, such as both the driver and the driver’s employer. Holding each party accountable and recovering compensation from them can be complicated, especially when large insurance companies are protecting them.
In such a situation, a victim may want a lawyer on their side. A nearby Hayward truck accident lawyer from our firm can identify all the parties involved in a truck accident case, hold them all accountable, and keep insurers in check. During a consultation, we can tell you exactly what a lawyer would do for you.
We handle truck accident claims near you on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t owe us any fee for us to handle your truck accident claim until and unless we recover financial compensation on your behalf for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering and more.
If you can’t afford treatment for the injuries you suffered in your trucking accident, we can get you to doctors who will treat you on a lien, meaning you won’t be charged for treatment until your case is over.
Call an experienced truck accident attorney at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident involving a trucking company in Hayward. We’ve been handling cases involving commercial truck accidents for over three decades and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Call our truck accident lawyers today.
What Damages Can You Claim in Cases Involving Truck Accidents in Hayward?
A truck accident case is a type of personal injury case, so a victim can claim many of the same damages they’d be able to claim in any other personal injury case. However, truck accident cases can be especially serious, involving severe injuries or even loss of life, so a victim or a deceased victim’s family may be able to claim other damages too.
Those who are injured in trucking accidents caused by negligence, examples of which include truck driver fatigue and overloaded trucks, may be entitled to financial compensation for:
Medical Bills
Those who are injured in accidents involving trucking companies are often already facing huge medical bills by the time they call us. In addition, the injuries you sustained in your car accident which involved a truck may require future treatment which will then generate even more medical expenses. An experienced truck accident lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers can help you recover compensation for all past and future medical costs related to your truck accident.
Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers
(510) 342-5780
Lost Wages
Those who are injured in accidents involving truck drivers sometimes miss time from work due to their injuries. Sometimes they’re injured too badly by their truck accident to work for a period of time. Sometimes they need to take time off from work to get their truck accident injuries treated. When we handle your truck accident injury claim, we can help you recover compensation for any wages you were unable to earn due to your truck crash.
Loss of Earning Capacity
Truck accidents involve tremendous forces being generated by the heavy trucks involved. Because of this, they can lead to catastrophic injuries which leave their victims disabled. If you can no longer work or can no longer do the job you used to because of your truck accident, this represents a loss or reduction of your earning capacity which we can help you recover compensation for.
Pain and Suffering
The catastrophic injuries that can result from truck accidents can lead to severe physical pain and mental suffering. We have been helping truck accident victims put an accurate value on their pain and suffering for over 30 years, ensuring that they’re adequately compensated for their pain and suffering.
Property Damage
Truck accidents often end up with the other vehicles involved severely damaged or totaled. We can help you recover compensation for the cost to repair or replace your vehicle after a truck accident. We can also help you recover compensation for the cost to repair or replace any personal property that was in your vehicle at the time of the truck accident.
Wrongful Death
If you have lost a loved one to a truck accident, it is unfortunate that no amount of compensation will bring your loved one back. However, financial compensation can help make sure that losing your loved one to a truck accident doesn’t cause you and your family to undergo financial hardship.
If you lost a loved one to a truck accident, we can help you recover compensation for:
- Your suffering
- Your grieving
- The loss of your loved one’s income, love, household services and companionship
- Your loved one’s medical expenses, funeral expenses, burial expenses, pain and suffering
Punitive Damages
Not every truck accident case will involve punitive damages – in fact, most of them will not. However, if your truck accident case involves reckless or intentional conduct, such as drunk driving, we will seek punitive damages on your behalf to maximize your recovery and punish the offending party for their behavior.
How Do I Pursue Compensation from Multiple Parties in a Case Involving a Truck Driver?
In many Hayward truck accident cases, multiple at-fault parties are involved. Each party may share in the liability for the accident and the victim’s damages, but before a victim can pursue compensation, the victim must identify each liable party.
A Hayward truck accident attorney from our firm can do this for you. Your lawyer will investigate the accident to determine who is liable, such as the driver, the driver’s employer, and/or the party maintaining the truck’s operation.
During the investigation, your lawyer will look for evidence of each party’s fault. This evidence could include traffic camera footage, truck dash camera footage, witness cell phone pictures or recordings, the victim’s medical bills, and the police report from the accident. After the investigation, your lawyer may get corroborating statements from experts, like an accident reconstructionist and a medical expert.
To establish liability in your case, your lawyer must show how the other parties were negligent, that you were harmed, and that negligence was a significant factor in your harm, per California Civil Jury Instructions No. 400. Additionally, your lawyer may have to protect you against claims that you were negligent and are therefore partially responsible for the accident.
Keeping Insurance Companies in Check
One of the most important reasons to hire a lawyer after being injured in a truck accident is because you won’t be able to recover the money you’re entitled to under California law if you don’t have a lawyer.
When people are injured due to negligence in California, California law holds the negligent party liable for their injuries. Most negligent parties don’t have the assets to pay for others’ injuries, though, so what this means in practice is the negligent party’s insurance company is typically on the hook for their injuries instead.
So, if you’re injured in a truck accident due to someone else’s negligence, this means that person’s insurance company is legally obligated to pay for your injuries up to the policy limits.
However, this doesn’t mean they will actually live up to that obligation and pay you what you’re entitled to after a truck accident. In fact, if you don’t have a truck accident lawyer by your side, they simply won’t. Why? It’s simple: the only way you can force them to is by suing them and winning over a low ball offer. If you can’t sue them and win, they’ll never offer you anything but a low ball offer. They know you can’t sue them and win without a lawyer. So, you need a lawyer by your side as leverage in the situation. Without this leverage, the insurance company won’t respect your ability to sue them and win, so they won’t offer you what you deserve.
Insurance companies keep files on truck accident lawyers. When they look at their files on us, they see that we have a long track record of success, so they know that it’s a waste of their time and money to take us on in court. So, when insurance companies receive a letter saying we are representing you in connection with your truck accident, they know they have two choices at that point:
- Pay you what you deserve for your truck accident injuries
- Take us on in court, lose, and pay expensive legal fees in addition to paying you what you deserve for your truck accident injuries
As you might expect, this means that it’s quite common for previously reluctant insurance companies to suddenly be very enthusiastic about offering our clients what they’re entitled to for their truck accident injuries once they see that we’re representing them. Almost every single one of our truck accident cases settles out of court due to our decades-long track record of success.
In addition, insurance companies train their adjusters to trick truck accident victims into saying the wrong thing while they’re being recorded. The first thing an insurance company is going to do after your truck accident is call you up and try to get you to give them a statement over the phone. Don’t do it. Leave talking to the insurance companies up to your truck accident lawyer.
The insurance company is going to record any statement they give you, and while you’re giving it, they’re going to try to manipulate you into saying things that imply you were at fault for your truck accident or that you aren’t as badly hurt as you’re claiming. They are very, very good at tricking you into saying the wrong thing while you’re being recorded. It is very easy to fall for their tricks even if you are aware they’re trying to trick you. The tiniest, most seemingly innocent thing you say can be used against you to deny you compensation.
Call us today for a free consultation so we can handle all communications with insurance companies for you and force the insurance companies to pay you what you deserve.
Fighting for You in or Out of Court
In pursuit of your compensation, your Hayward truck wreck lawyer can either negotiate a settlement with insurers or litigate your case with a judge. While most of our cases settle out of court, if your case goes to court, you can expect your lawyer to fight hard for a fair outcome.
Hiring Your Hayward Truck Accident Lawyer on Contingency
You can hire an attorney from our firm on a contingency basis, meaning your attorney will work for you at no charge unless they recover compensation for you. You’ll simply pay your attorney a percentage of your compensation amount.
This arrangement makes hiring an attorney affordable and motivates your attorney to fight hard for you. The more money your attorney recovers for you, the more money they make.
About Our Hayward Truck Accident Attorneys
Our firm’s personal injury attorneys have been helping people like you since 1990. Over the years, we’ve assisted many truck accident victims and other personal injury victims, and we have recovered over $400 million for our clients. We’re confident we can assist you too.
Your Hayward truck accident attorney will identify the parties involved in your accident and fight to hold them and their insurers accountable in or out of court.
Your California Truck Accident Lawyer Will Meet the Deadline for Your Case
California sets filing deadlines for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. If you’re considering filing a lawsuit, you’ll need to meet its filing deadline. Your lawyer can keep your case progressing to meet the deadline.
The filing deadline for a personal injury suit is two years from the date of your accident, and the deadline for a wrongful death suit is two years from the date of the loss of life, per CCP § 335.1.
Contact a Hayward Truck Accident Lawyer at Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers Today
Truck accident cases can be complicated. However, our personal injury attorneys handle truck accident cases regularly. We can handle yours (or your loved one’s) and work toward a fair outcome.
With a lawyer from our firm on your side, you won’t have to worry about your case, so you can focus on getting better and taking care of family matters. We can work for you on contingency and offer a free consultation too. To learn more and consult with us, contact Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers today.